"Far From Shore"
The ‘Dawich’ word is significant as it means ‘Far From Shore’ in Cree and has roots in Waskaganish, James Bay.
This also signifies our ties and commitment to the shipbuilding industry.

President and Owner
Lance Brown graduated from the Naval Architecture Program at the Marine Institute and has nearly 20 years of experience in the shipbuilding and oil & gas industries. This ranges from executing on offshore operations to management of engineering packages in both Canada and the United States. With his extensive experience Lance uses his problem solving and stakeholder management skills to ensure your projects are on the right path. Lance has worked in project execution his entire career and has supported this experience with the right training such as the Engineering Management Development Program at Cranfield University and the Masters Certificate in Project Management at Memorial University. Lance has also been a member of the senior leadership teams at several of the companies he has worked with.
With this wide range of experience Lance ensures that Dawich Technical Solutions can go above and beyond our clients’ requirements.